Community FAQ
Q: Who is Ubiquity Solar?
1093 Clark Street, Endicott, NY
We are a vertically integrated photovoltaic (PV) manufacturer leveraging conventional and advanced environmentally friendly solar technologies. We have been developing PV products primarily to the electric power generation and aerospace/transportation sectors in both the United States and Canada. For the last 12 years, we have been an R&D company and are moving into production in Endicott, NY. This operation will eventually be supplied with monocrystalline bricks from another U.S. site. We acquired the assets of Alta Devices and have moved the equipment to Endicott.
Q: Who owns Ubiquity Solar?
We are a privately owned company. Our current shareholders are composed primarily of American, Canadian, and European individuals and many are experts in solar energy, electronics manufacturing or traditional energy industries working at Ubiquity. Common to our entire investor base is a focus on the energy transition and a commitment to creating positive steps forward with respect to climate change.
We are currently engaged in a process to raise additional equity, in part, to fund the start of our manufacturing operations in Endicott, New York.
Q: What is your plan for Endicott?
We have leased 800,000 square feet on the Huron Campus in Endicott that hosts the legacy IBM factory which will be the site for our wafer, cell and module manufacturing process.
Q: What is the timing of your plan?
Once we have completed our permitting process and public consultation with local and state regulators, we will begin work on redeveloping the leased facilities to suit our manufacturing process. We have started initial production with full production in 2024.
Q: Will you be hiring?
Absolutely we will be hiring. One of the many reasons we chose Endicott was the depth of skilled local labor pool and presence of local universities and colleges that can provide the training that our employees need. A strong preference will be given to local residents as we grow the Ubiquity team. We are particularly interested in engineers, health and safety professionals, facilities managers, line operators, and administrative staff. We expect to hire 100 people in the initial 6-12 month phase and a total of 150 people by the end of 2024. We are committed to providing employment opportunities to diverse and under-served communities with a focus on training and preparing a new generation of skilled workers for a technology that will be at the heart of providing the increased renewable electricity needs of the US and the world for several decades.
Q: How can I apply?
Please keep an eye on our website We will begin posting positions there shortly in anticipation of a local Job Fair to introduce applicants to employment opportunities and to the broader Ubiquity team. We will also be working with local governments, hiring agencies, and educational institutes to find future employees.
Q: How can I partner with Ubiquity as a supplier or community partner?
Ubiquity is already meeting with local suppliers and small businesses that can help us establish and grow our presence. To further support our growth, a Vendor Fair will be planned, preceded by a published list of additional anticipated needs for third party services; with a focus on qualified Minority and Woman-Owned area businesses. We also plan to support local community groups and non-profit groups that contribute to the social, environmental, educational, and recreational assets of the Endicott area and make the community such a great place to live and work. We especially wish to support local organizations who promote and educate others about the benefits of solar energy. We will be posting more information on our website later this year.
Q: Where can I find out more about the details of your plan?
Ubiquity Solar will be disseminating information to the Endicott and Broome County areas over the next few months. This will include information about opportunities to meet our team and ask questions about our plan. There will also be regular updates at and a list for emailing updated information which you can join.
Q: What kind of manufacturing process do you have, and will it impact the local community?
We will have two main production lines: one producing high efficiency PV cells and modules for aerospace and one producing PV cells and modules for traditional power generation. Through the use of proven techniques validated by local engineering firms, government environmental regulators and independent consultants, we will ensure the Endicott site incorporates the best available technology and infrastructure to support our operations with no offensive impact to the local community while going above and beyond regulatory requirements. Ubiquity will be living and operating in the local community and shares the desire to have our facility to be exemplary in all respects.
Q: How do we know the process you will use are safe?
The Ubiquity team has extensive experience and has safely operated similar facilities at predecessor companies in California and in Germany, two jurisdictions with environmental and safety standards equal to or greater than those of New York State. The proven capabilities from this experience will be deployed in Endicott.
Q: What about local permits and review?
Our operations will require regulatory approvals relating to safe air, water, land and materials handling as well as review under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (“SEQRA”). Permit processing and post-issuance compliance oversight will be undertaken by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Permit applications and process design will be handled by experienced Upstate New York engineering consultants with the assistance of experienced legal experts. As a manufacturer in an industrial zoning district, our operation is a permitted use. We will work with officials from the Village of Endicott to ensure that local codes are addressed. Documents relating to regulatory approvals will be available for public review including appropriate public participation plans to be implemented.
Q: What about traffic and noise?
Truck traffic will be light, particularly after our initial construction work. We will be more than adequately supported by existing roads and parking even as our factory scales up.
Q: I have more questions- who do I talk to?
Inquiries can be directed to Please keep an eye on our website, local community mailers, and scheduled town halls for more information.